December 15, 2024
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ROOT Token
Nominating Validator Nodes on The Root Network
Stake ROOT tokens, review your Nominations, and help secure The Root Network while maximizing your rewards.
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As part of our ongoing mission to decentralize and strengthen The Root Network, Futureverse are introducing an update to the validator commission rates on all their nodes, making now the perfect time to review your nominations and staking strategy.

You can help secure The Root Network by Staking ROOT tokens. Choose to simply stake, or to nominate your stake to one or more Validators. Nominating your stake earns a greater share of block rewards and an increased Bootstrap rewards rate. However, it also exposes you to Slashing risk - a penalty applied if a validator misbehaves. Learn more about our Staking Protocol here.

Why the update?

Starting Dec 15 PT, Futureverse’s operated nodes (21 in total) will adjust their commission rate from the current 1% to 5%. This change is designed to foster a more competitive and rewarding environment for external validators while maintaining the reliability and robustness of the network.

Here’s what this means:

  • For Nominators: Rewards may be slightly reduced as a result of the updated commission rate. However, this increase provides external validators with more flexibility to adjust their own rates competitively, and you have the choice and ability to update your selected nominations at any time.
  • For the Network: This change creates room for external validators to set competitive rates, increasing their returns and encouraging broader participation in the ecosystem.

We believe this update supports our shared goal of creating a network that is open, decentralized, and sustainable for all participants.

Choosing which Validators to Nominate

This update is an ideal time to take a look at your Nominations. If you choose to Nominate validators to stake with, consider the following factors to maximize your rewards:

  • A higher uptime means the validator is more reliable by keeping their node consistently running.
  • Commission rates vary which impacts your rewards.
  • Ensure the validator is not oversubscribed. Oversubscribed validators may result in reduced or missed rewards for you. Only the top 256 Nominators to a Validator will earn rewards based on the amount of ROOT nominated.

Commission on Staking Rewards

Each validator can set a commission rate, which is a percentage of the staking rewards that they get to keep. The remainder is shared with the nominators based on the amount of ROOT each nominated to this validator.

Updating and Changing your Nominations

Changing your selected nominations is simple:

  1. Go to the Staking Dashboard
  2. Log in with your FuturePass
  3. “Change Nominations,” update your selection, and confirm.

When you update your selected Validators, it takes two Eras (Era = 24hr) to process, meaning that in the third Era after submitting the change, you will see it reflected in your Nominations list.

  • Current Era: the task is queued to be broadcast to the Pallet during the rollover to the next Era
  • 2nd Era: the task is broadcast to the Pallet to update your selected Validators
  • 3rd Era: the task is processed during the rollover to the next Era, and your Nominations will reflect your current selection


You require a minimum of 25 ROOT tokens in your FuturePass to participate in staking or nominating. Follow the steps in the How to buy ROOT guide to get started.

To get started, update nominations and more, visit and launch the app.

Learn more about Staking on The Root Network, see our FAQ’s, and if you require support, please click the ‘?’ in the bottom right of the screen.

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