May 2, 2024
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Built on Root
Rootscan Launch API & RPC Tools
Elevate your metaverse development with Rootscan’s cutting-edge API and RPC tools. Build innovative dApps more easily with our seamless data integration and comprehensive support.
Elevate your metaverse development with Rootscan’s cutting-edge API and RPC tools. Build innovative dApps more easily with our seamless data integration and comprehensive support.
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After launching the Rootscan Block Explorer, the Rootscan team turned their focus to a complementary product tailored for developers. Today, Rootscan API & RPC launch in beta - the ultimate service to help you build on The Root Network more easily, quickly, and effectively.

Just as Infura simplified access to Ethereum with high-availability APIs, Rootscan API & RPC offer seamless access to The Root Network. Their APIs provide real-time data, empowering you to create dynamic and responsive apps.

Rootscan API

Utilize pre-built API endpoints to fetch the latest data from The Root Network in an easily understandable format. Launching with 12 basic endpoints, with plans to expand as the network grows.

Rootscan RPC

Instantly query block data, read transactions, and access network stats through direct RPC endpoints. To ensure stability and performance, nodes run on multiple servers with automatic load balance capabilities.

To let everyone try these services, Rootscan offer free tiers for both API & RPC data streams. If you need higher throughput and more requests, consider exploring paid tiers. For custom requests contact the Rootscan team.

Visit Rootscan for more information.

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